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We believe that care and community, song and study, celebration and support, a reverence for the past and a dedication to ensure the future all serve as the foundation of our holy community; our kehilla kedosha. We are proud of what we are building, and we welcome you to join us!

Caring Kehillah

The Programming Committee provides Bet Shira and the greater community with various opportunities of stimulating activities for the mind and body including music, films, exercise, yoga, Hebrew, scholarly and educational experiences appealing to various ages. We promote life long learning and celebrating Jewish life. We welcome your ideas for programming!

Programming Committee
Mi Shebeirach - Bet Shira
00:00 / 00:00

Listen to the Mi Shebeirach song below:

A Havurah (from the Hebrew root Haver - meaning friend), is a wonderful opportunity for connection. Havurot are groups of people who meet together regularly to enjoy a common interest. Being part of a Havurah is a wonderful way to enhance your sense of connection to Bet Shira, making the larger congregation feel more intimate and personal. A Havurah can be like “extended family”, allowing members to get to know each other more personally, and to share a variety of experiences together. The focus of a Havurah is entirely up to its members. Where it meets, when it meets and what it does will be decided by the group. The connections built will deepen everyone’s sense of community, both within Bet Shira, and in the Jewish community at large!


The Ritual Committee serves to support our synagogue by assisting our clergy in the implementation and presentation of religious services & procedures. It coordinates the High Holy Days honors & ushering, weekly gabbai duties and with the leading of various prayer services as required.

Ritual Committee

Bet Shira’s Tikkun Olam Committee organizes and performs acts of kindness and good deeds. We encourage and inspire all members of the congregation to make Tikkun Olam part of their lives. Our purpose is to organize projects; collect items needed by others, help where needed, act as a resource, offer suggestions, and provide guidance to individuals and families.

Tikkun Olam

Sisterhood provides many programs of learning and enrichment for Sisterhood members. In addition to providing much appreciated financial support for our synagogue, Sisterhood also offer programs such as Book Clubs, Game Days, Movie Club and even cooking and craft classes! If you want to meet creative, dynamic, interesting, energetic, intelligent women, then we’re your main connection!


What is Bet Shira's Caring Kehillah?

Bet Shira’s Caring Kehillah offers meaningful support to congregants during significant life events. Consistent expressions of chesed (loving kindness) are our intent and approach. There are many opportunities to reach out and meet the needs of our congregants. While our activities may evolve over time, we have identified these:


-Ride to Shul:

We will offer transportation by fellow congregants to and from Bet Shira for services and any planned event.


-New Baby Welcome:

So that new congregants and preschool parents know that the Bet Shira family shares their joy, we will offer a mezuzah and dedication ceremony for the baby’s room.



Coming to terms with loss is an ongoing process, so our synagogue’s support should also be ongoing. We will reach out to those who are in mourning at sheloshim (thirty days after the funeral), embracing them at this crossroads in the healing process.


The success of our Caring Kehillah depends on the involvement and interaction of our members. If you know of a fellow congregant who needs support, let us know. To deepen your relationship with the Bet Shira kehillah, we hope that you will join us in this wonderful expression of Jewish values.


To contact the Caring Kehillah, please send an email to

or call the synagogue office at (305) 238-2601.

Bet Shira has many ways for you to get involved...

Call us:


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Find us: 

7500 SW 120 Street, Miami, FL 33156

© 2012 by Bet Shira Congregation

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