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Bet Shira’s Sisterhood is a vibrant organization that works in partnership with the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the largest synagogue-based women’s organization in the world. As an active arm of the Conservative movement, Sisterhoods provide services to hundreds of affiliated women’s groups in synagogues across North America and to thousands of women worldwide. Bet Shira Sisterhood runs parallel to and independent of synagogue operations. It has its own charter, by-laws, budget and board of directors.


Established in 1985, our Sisterhood plays an important role at Bet Shira. It raises funds to generously support the synagogue, and over the years it has contributed nearly one million dollars to support the College Outreach program, the religious school, and the special early childhood education program. Sisterhood also sponsors major annual events such as the Golf Tournament and the Tu B’Shevat concert.


Sisterhood’s membership is strong. It offers an array of activities to enhance the creative, social, intellectual and spiritual aspects of synagogue life including cooking classes, craft corner, game day, and book and movie clubs. Sisterhood also runs a beautiful gift shop.


Our connection to Israel is made even stronger through an on-going connection to a sister synagogue, Netzach Yisrael, in Ashkelon. This relationship is one example of Sisterhood’s hiddur mitzvot, a practice that deepens a mitzvah and intensifies the relationship with God. Another such example is the Torah Fund started in the 1940s by the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism to fund scholarships to the Jewish Theological Seminary. Since 1945, Women’s League (Sisterhoods in US, Canada and Mexico) has raised $90 million for Torah Fund, and when a Bet Shira Sisterhood member makes a $180 donation to the Torah Fund, the donor receives a pin.

Sisterhood Announcements

Bet Shira Sisterhood

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7500 SW 120 Street, Miami, FL 33156

© 2012 by Bet Shira Congregation

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